Presentation of report on agricultural trends by Humboldt University

food & farming

By Helen

January 3rd, 2008


Last week in Brussels, Dr. Harald von Witzke of Humboldt University presented a Working Paper entitled “Global agricultural market trends and their impacts on European Union agriculture” which he has co-authored. His presentation, in which he summarises the arguments and presents some of the numbers, may be viewed below. In the coming days, we will be posting some entries showing some shorter snippets from the Q/A session that followed the Professor’s presentation.

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BBC’s Prof Regan’s supermarket secrets

food & farming

By Helen

January 3rd, 2008


On 26 February 2008, BBC’s science and nature programme Horizon explored the arguements for and against conventional and organic farming. To view clips from the programme and read more on the subject click here.

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Georgina Downs v Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs


By Wyn

January 3rd, 2008


I have now read the decision of the England and Wales High Court (Administrative Court) before Mr Justice Collins.  I must emphasise that in commenting on this matter I am not a lawyer.   The judgment is a long and complex one, although much of it is taken up with a statement of the facts and a consideration of the relevant law.

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