Agriculture uses 70% of available fresh water

biodiversity & environment

By Gavin

March 22nd, 2010


Fresh water is a renewable resource, but our supply of clean fresh water is decreasing – a problem aggravated by a steadily increasing demand for food as the worlds population grows.

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A week without pesticides (& musical gnomes)


By Gavin

March 16th, 2010


French activists MDRGF (Movement for Rights and Respect for Future Generations) are preparing for their annual ‘Week without pesticides’ (20th-30th March). Since its debut in 2006, this event has seen some growth in popularity across France and a handful of other European countries.

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The latest buzz

biodiversity & environment

By Gavin

March 12th, 2010

1 Comment

Everybody loves bees, and so do we. Bees pollinate our plants so that we can grow food, they fulfil a valuable role in ecosystems – they even make honey. As a species, the honey bee is suffering a reported global decline in population, a phenomenon termed ‘Colony Collapse Disorder‘ (CCD). The disappearance of honey bees is an issue that receives regular media attention – coverage that all too often feeds speculation and fails to deliver fact.

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